From beautiful, exotic flowers to fierce Japanese dragon tattoos, or even large intricately designed samurai warriors, Japanese tattoo symbols and designs work for everyone and anyone. A Japanese koi fish tattoo swimming lazily across a woman's hip, a tiny ring of beautiful cherry blossoms fused together as an armband or at the ankle, a fierce looking emerald serpent slithering up someone's calf, or a samurai warrior and a lady embracing on a back – as wonderful as this art of Horimono seems to be – you might very well find yourself being lured into getting all of these beautiful Japanese symbols and designs made on your body.
Tiger Tattoo Designs - Meaning and Ideas

So if you think the tiger represents you and you like the look of this type of tattoo, I see no reason why you should not do. Many people choose a design based on what they believe and less on what it looks like.
Dragon Tattoo Designs - How to Choose the Perfect Tattoo

1-Decide where it is going to be
When choosing your dragon tattoo design, the first thing you are going to need to do is decide where you are going to want to put it. For dragons, a great place is the back of the calf, the forearm, or the side of your stomach. Some guys like to put them across their upper back also.
2-The color
The color of the tattoo is actually really important, but the truth is black and white tattoo's are really cool if you do them correctly. We recommend you start off with getting your tattoo black and white then go back later and add color to it if you feel the need to do so.
3-The actual design
Getting a tattoo of a dragon alone will be cool, but if you add some stuff to it, then it will be even cooler. If you want your tattoo to look really manly then have the dragon blowing fire or breathing smoke. Another great thing to do is get a henna tattoo with a dragon in the middle.
Foot Tattoo Designs For Girls - Stylish Tattoos For Sexy Feet

As pretty and appealing as it is, there are several disadvantages that come with it. Designs for foot tattoos tend to be smaller in size so they take less time to ink. This pose a very potential problem to watch out for and that is ink migration. Especially since there are lot of movements in the feet area so they are more susceptible to fading and may require touch-ups in the future. The foot is also a painful part of the body to get tattooed as there are lots of nerve endings in that area plus the fact that there are less tissues to cushion the skin during tattooing process.
However, girls could not resist sporting a sexy foot tattoos that they don't mind the maintenance required and pain that come with it. The most popular tat designs are flower like cherry blossoms, lotus, and hibiscus. Symbols like stars, letters, heart and fairies w0hich look cute even in miniature sizes are also favored a lot. Floral designs and tribal patterns that go either on the top of the foot or on the sides are also sought after designs. These kinds of tat theme work very well to create a cute feminine look that are lot of girls would love to have tattooed on their body.
5 Tips to Hot and Sexy Tattoo Designs For Girls

A Fairy at My Ankle
Hot and sexy tattoo designs can be placed anywhere on a girl's body and would still come out as striking as any other tattoo designs, even if it is located on or near the ankle. Such sexy designs can be very flirty and can even be enticing to look at. However, the image you should choose should make you more appealing and exotic instead of choosing something 'cute' or 'safe'. One of the best images that a girl can choose would be the sleek and sexy fairy designs that would conform to the curves and contours on her ankle area.
An Angel at My Back
A sleek and sexy angel sporting mighty eternal wings placed at any girl's back can really be a great hot and sexy tattoo design sample as anything else. Forego the cute and charming cherubs and baby-like angel images and choose a more exotic, bold-looking and utterly sexy angel design. You can even be more exotic and bolder and choose a 'dark angel' theme for your design and create a sexier effect.
Dragons: Sexy and Dangerous
Bold and daring girls would not want plain and simple tattoo designs on their bodies but would rather choose something sexy and dangerous. And what can elicit a sense of danger and at the same time something exotic and sexy better than a dragon. Having a dragon design at the lower portion of a girl's back or even at the shoulders can elicit both a sense of power and sleek beauty that only a dragon can bring.
Tigers: Bold and Different
The same effect that dragons can bring as sexy and dangerous-looking designs, tigers too can be hot and sexy tattoo designs for girls particularly if placed at the back for everyone to see. The design should not take a large portion of the back though and can be placed anywhere between the shoulders and the hips. It would be great to leave some area of skin untouched for that sexier and sleeker effect.
Say It in another Language
For some people, an image that is beautiful to look at but something people may not completely understand would be a great sexy design samples. Words like 'beautiful' or even 'sexy' written in Chinese, Japanese or any other exotic languages and script can really have a sexy effect if tattooed on the back, arms or legs. Bold and beautiful, sleek and sexy - these are traits that some women would like their image to project. They can do this with jewelry and clothing but nothing can create a more powerful effect than having a hot and sexy tattoo design on their bodies.
Sexy Tattoos - Tattoos For Women is a Growing Trend

Many women think that they are very sexy. A women is never too old to get small cute tattoos; one woman was 62 years old when she got her very first one. Most women choose to have their feminine tattoo designs printed on one of their breast, or around the ankles, however, other women like for it to go on their lower back or the stomach area just above their bikini line.
Beautiful Tattoos
Many women like beautiful tattoos so much that they have tattoos all over their bodies; but take it from a guy, too many tattoos on a woman takes away from their natural beauty, however, a few small feminine tattoos do look very good, especially if they say something that lets a man know what she wants. Such as, a tattoo on the abdomen that says, "The fun starts here", and has an arrow that points down.
Sexy tattoos for women are much better to have if they are colored in, more than a tattoo that has no color at all. There are thousands of sexy tattoos for women not only at the tattoo studio, but you can find many beautiful ones online. Once you find the one that you feel is perfect for you, you can save the picture in your documents, print it out on your printer, and take it to the studio. The artist should not have any trouble transferring the print to you.
Small Cute Tattoos
Small cute tattoos can be pictures of a girl's favorite animal, or even something mystical; it could even be of something that has a particular meaning to them. There are many mystical creatures that supposedly have mystical properties by wearing one. Such feminine tattoo designs, as a gold fish, or an ankh, even fairies and wizards. Symbols are also a very popular item for small feminine tattoos.
After your new beautiful tattoos has been imprinted on your arm, of course, the artist will tell you to keep it clean, and this is very important. If proper care is not taken, the tattoo could become infected. If you feel abnormal pain, or more pain than you think you should, or if there is an increase in swelling, more than likely it has become infected. This is not due to the artist using a bad needle or anything like that, it just happens. Just like getting a piercing sometimes it becomes infected. You can use a good antibiotic cream to help keep your tattoos clean, this should be applied as soon as you get home. A little preventive medicine will help keep the tattoo from becoming infected.
Hot Designs And Styles For Girls

Japanese Koi - Japanese koi fish tattoos are quickly becoming a very hot item for women to get. They represent power and strength. The beauty of the color with the blue water and the gold and yellow scales on the fish make for a very brilliant colorful tattoo design that works great on the female body be it a side tattoo or a half sleeve design.
Cherry Blossom - Also a traditional Japanese tattoo design these are quickly becoming very popular. The cherry blossom is delicate, beautiful and lives a short brilliant and bright life and then fall tragically on the snow to die. The symbolism here is to live life to the fullest to be bold and beautiful and live each day to it's fullest. This is a great reminder for all of us and how everyone should live their lives.
Angels - Angels and fairies have always been popular with women as well as butterflies. There is just something magical and special about wings and the colors and meaning behind such designs work well for women. The flowing lines of wings and the feminine shapes of the fairies or angels create a beautiful looking design.
The Sexiest Tattoos For Girls and Locations to Get a Theme Tattooed on Your Body
Have you been wondering what is going to be hot in the world of tattoo designs this year? Every year it seems like the trends and what is popular in the world of tattoos changes. This year it is no different and the sexiest and best tattoos for girls are quickly becoming clear. Yes even though it is early in 2010 you can already see the major trends of what is going to be hot this year and even into next year. This article will look at the top locations and the hottest tattoo design trends.
Locations For Hot Female Tattoo Designs
Of course you can always get a tattoo on any part of the body you want. The list below just gives some of the most popular places to get inked on the female body. If you already have somewhere in mind then great but if you are still trying to think of the location for your tattoo design then by all means read what is below and take the ideas into consideration and see what works best for you and the tattoo you want.
Hip Tattoos - This is one of the newest and most sexy areas for female tattoo designs. It used to be the lower back tattoo was the sexy location but this has changed and now one of the new even hotter places to get a design in on the hip. They are easy to hide when needed in a professional setting but a great pair of hip hugger jeans will also reveal at least the top if not all of these great tattoos.
Upper Back - The upper back tattoo is the new answer to the lower back tramp stamp. Yes the lower back has been overdone and over played at this point but have no fear the upper back tattoo is just as sexy if not more so and works well for larger designs. This gives you almost unlimited possibilities for hot tattoo designs.
Half Sleeve - Sleeve tattoos be them full sleeve, half sleeve or even quarter sleeves were once the domain of men's tattoos. However, no more women are going bolder with their tattoos and designs as well as the locations on their bodies. More and more women are getting sleeve tattoos these days and they are sexy.
Side Tattoos For Girls - Side tattoos are also another very hot trend in tattoo designs for women. These typically start down low around the waist area and then come up on the side. These can go up into the rib cage area. Just keep in mind the higher on the ribs you go the more painful the tattoo will be but often these are such great designs that it will be worth the pain.
Dragon Tattoo Designs - How to Choose the Perfect Tattoo

1-Decide where it is going to be
When choosing your dragon tattoo design, the first thing you are going to need to do is decide where you are going to want to put it. For dragons, a great place is the back of the calf, the forearm, or the side of your stomach. Some guys like to put them across their upper back also.
2-The color
The color of the tattoo is actually really important, but the truth is black and white tattoo's are really cool if you do them correctly. We recommend you start off with getting your tattoo black and white then go back later and add color to it if you feel the need to do so.
3-The actual design
Getting a tattoo of a dragon alone will be cool, but if you add some stuff to it, then it will be even cooler. If you want your tattoo to look really manly then have the dragon blowing fire or breathing smoke. Another great thing to do is get a henna tattoo with a dragon in the middle.
Megan Fox Bashes Tattoo Haters

Megan said
"Everyone hates them because they're closed-minded about tattoos. People who don't like me, as far as fans go, always talk about how I'm trashy because I have tattoos. I find that insane! This is 2008, not 1950. Tattoos aren't limited to sailors. I find them beautiful, so I'm going to keep doing it."
I will admit that I do agree with Megan this isn't 1950 anymore and regular people including hot Hollywood actress have tattoos and most of the time have more than one. But I will say that her choices in some of her tattoos are a little interesting. That Marilyn Monroe tattoo she has on her arm sticks out like a sore thumb. But her other eight tattoos, in my opinion are not trashy at all. I really believe that it is okay to have a lot of tattoos on your body, as long as you carry yourself well and have confidence in yourself. I think that makes your tattoos become kind of sexy and not trashy at all. There are plenty other celebrities out there that have 5 or 6 tattoos and they are as pretty and sexy as they can be. And not to mention most people don't even know that they have that many tattoos.
Newest Sexy Tattoo
uncountable tattoo designs are found all over the world, and I issue a special design, is a completely different design, I present tattoo design released today, in particular, will give you an idea how we should understand what category of award winning tattoo is for you.
There are many Web sites on the Internet that provides an abundant number of great tattoo designs released in which you must select one if you are interested in tattoos.
In fact, I chose a rattling attractive design design tattoo tattoo that provides free website or blog, and now I'm happy soul abandons my tattoo choice.
The Wonders of Exotic Zodiac Signs Tattoos

For thousands of years, the ancient people of the world believed that the stars and all the heavenly bodies brought about the destiny and fortune of everyone. Almost every single constellation seen in the skies were given meaning and interpretation to help guide the people to the right path. As time passed, these people created the zodiac. The zodiac has two forms depending on its origin. The first form is the western form in which it consists of the 12 signs namely: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. On the other hand, the other form is the Chinese zodiac which consists of the 12 animals which represents each year namely: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.
No matter what type of zodiac signs tattoos you get, you are surely going to have a lot of fun and memories with it. Most people particularly of the western hemisphere who do get this kind of tattoo design usually go for the western zodiac and get their own zodiac sign rather than another and the same goes for people of eastern descent, they mostly get the zodiac they were born in rather than someone else' zodiac sign.
It is important to take note however that the procedure of getting a tattoo whatever design it may be can prove to be quite painful and stingy to almost all first-timers. This is because of the method of using extremely pointed and sharp needles to prick into the surface of the skin continuously until the indelible ink reaches its final destination which is the dermis layer of the skin. This is vital because those inks that fail to be embedded into the dermis layer usually result to a not so permanent color meaning it will fade away in no time. Indelible ink that is on the other hand correctly placed in the dermis layer of the skin will have permanence and will not come off even with daily wear and tear and washing.
Also, it is vital that you not just get a tattoo from anyone. You must be really sure that you get a tattoo from an expert and respectable one. After all, you do not want to get hurt... much! Go for a clean and well-managed tattooing station or area, this will help you get an idea of how good their resident tattoo artists are.
Cool Tiger Tattoos
Tiger is one of the most powerful animal in the world. Known as the king of the wild, the tiger is a strong, dangerous creature that hunts animals five times the size of humans. Most people who get tiger tattoos appreciate the animal for its strength, courage, and power. Many cultures view the tiger as an animal that is on top of the world.
Some view the tiger as a source of protection. In ancient China, pictures of tigers were posted on the walls of pregnant women’s rooms in an effort to protect the babies, and many would carry tiger charms to help keep evil away. Shamanism links tigers not only to power and strength, but also to passion and sensuality. They believe that if a tiger were to appear in your life or in your dreams, it may mean that new powers and passions are about to come to life before your eyes. Here are some cool tiger tattoos designs:

Cool Tiger Tattoos in arm

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